Add Adventure To Your Life This Year

Add Adventure To Your Life This Year

Posted by WinterWomen on Monday, April 28, 2014

It's time to wake up and get moving - because this is your year! 2014 may have started out a little gloomy (cold temps and too much champagne will do that!), but it's late-April - there's no better time than now to add adventure to your life. The trees are blooming, the days are longer, and it's time to live your life to the fullest.Get MovingSpring is the perfect time to hit the gym, studio, or ...

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Categories: Health & Fitness

Tagged: health, hiking, Travel, fitness, womens health

Reasons To Start Running Today!

Reasons To Start Running Today!

Posted by WinterWomen on Thursday, April 10, 2014

“Running is so boring. I don’t have time to run. I’m too tired to run.” I heard them all the time, and I was one of those people who gave every excuse in the book.  I never thought I could run a mile or finish a half marathon, but in April 2013, I finished my first half marathon and it was the best day of my life. Not only did I feel accomplished in what I had done, but the changes it made in ...

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Categories: Health & Fitness

Tagged: health, fitness, womens health, running

Get Outdoors With These Must-Try Spring Activities!

Get Outdoors With These Must-Try Spring Activities!

Posted by WinterWomen on Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring, the season of new beginnings, is among us once again. We hope you had an amazing winter and were able to get out there and enjoy a lot of fun winter activities while you had the chance! While the snow may still be present in some areas and the ski resorts have yet to close, there are still many outside activities for you take pleasure in this spring season. Hike - Go take a hike! No, ...

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Categories: Health & Fitness

Tagged: health, outdoors, spring

Late-Winter Getaways

Late-Winter Getaways

Posted by WinterWomen on Saturday, March 8, 2014

These days women are so busy multitasking their way through the day that we often lose sight of the need to escape from it all and just be a girl!  A girl, you say?  Yes! Go back to the days when you were just a girl. Remember?  You called a friend to join you to do something fun, and the two of you went and did it. This March, call your friends and plan a trip to the mountains!  Whether you want ...

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Categories: Life & Style

Tagged: winter, snowboard, ski, spring, vacation, getaways



Posted by WinterWomen on Friday, February 14, 2014

When I lived in South Florida many years ago, I was fortunate enough to be part of an organization that ended up being a part of my life forever. I was working for a pottery studio at the time, and one of my fellow acquaintances asked if I would do a mural for a big production called “The Vagina Monologues." I know what you’re thinking, the vagina WHAT?? The first thought that came into mind was, ...

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Categories: Things We Love

Tagged: Valentine's Day, V-Day

Fashion + Style in Winter Boots

Fashion + Style in Winter Boots

Posted by WinterWomen on Thursday, February 13, 2014

Boots are a very crucial piece of a woman’s winter wardrobe. They can complement any outfit! In addition to making a style statement, the best boots are functional, keeping your feet warm and dry in all types of weather conditions. Choosing the right pair can be nerve-wracking as there are plenty to be found at discount department stores at bargain basement prices; however, you want something ...

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Categories: Fashion

Tagged: winter, fashion, footwear, Sorel, winter boots, women's fashion boots

There Is No Better Way to Begin Snowshoeing Than Just Going Out and Doing It!

There Is No Better Way to Begin Snowshoeing Than Just Going Out and Doing It!

Posted by WinterWomen on Monday, January 20, 2014

Snowshoeing is really easy to learn, fun to master, great for feeding the soul, and is an activity for any age at any level. It is also a great way to get the whole family out and to explore many snow-covered places.Age is Only a NumberIt doesn’t matter if you’re seven or 70: if you can walk, you can snowshoe. Snowshoeing is low impact and about as strenuous as walking down a trail. There really ...

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Categories: Health & Fitness

Tagged: health, snowshoeing, fitness, winter fitness, workouts

Reality Check: Realistic Expectations for 2014 Resolutions

Reality Check: Realistic Expectations for 2014 Resolutions

Posted by WinterWomen on Monday, January 13, 2014

Lose 10 pounds by February 1st. Cut sugar out of your diet completely. Spend two hours on the elliptical at the gym five days a week. Do these sound familiar to you? If these are your New Year's resolutions, we have some news for you, sister: you are going to start your year off feeling miserable! While we're all for setting goals for ourselves, it is important to set goals that are realistic to ...

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Categories: Health & Fitness

Tagged: health, fitness, womens health, happiness, mind, new years resolutions, soul

Try Something NEW This Winter: Learn to Ski or Snowboard!

Try Something NEW This Winter: Learn to Ski or Snowboard!

Posted by WinterWomen on Tuesday, January 7, 2014

As the winter Olympics are approaching, and we gather around the television to watch professional skiers and snowboarders take on the mountain, have you ever wondered “Well, I would like to try that! But I’m too old, and I don’t have experience, and where would I begin?" This is the month to do it! From Alaska to North Carolina (and states in between), January is national Learn to Ski & ...

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Categories: Ski & Ride

Tagged: skiing, snowboard, health, fitness

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